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Here are some recent posts:
I was born in Kingsport, Tennessee in 1959. My dad was the pastor of the local Church of God (Anderson) congregation. Dad’s church was a very simple, small white frame church sitting by a stream that would occasionally flood during spring rains. Even though we moved away from Kingsport when I was nine, for some crazy reason, it seems–and always has seemed–magical.
I’ve taken some time to write down forty lessons I’ve learned in forty years of ministry.
In a previous blog post in July of 2021, I told the story of a major health crisis that changed everything for my mom and stepdad. We were now face-to-face with a season of life that requires a new approach for my mom and stepdad.
It’s a long story. On Monday, February 7, I arrived at the doctor’s office. I gave the best description I could describing the pain of a constant sore throat. And then he said four words I've heard him say many times through the years: "let's take a look."